Tynic Automation’s fully equipped in-house engineering team is available to assist with your requirements. Choose from our extensive range of materials including Engineering Plastics, Rubbers & more!

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Radius Gauges For Conveyor Audits 

Tynic Automation offers complimentary Conveyor Line Audits for the manufacturing industry. To assist with further enquiries, Tynic has manufactured a complete set of radius gauges for our technical sales team.

Utilizing these gauges, Tynic’s team are able to accurately measure, identify and model the correct corner tracks for our clients. Conveyor corner tracks are typically produced in UHWMPE, Nylon or Acetal.

Contact Tynic today for more information.

Food & Beverage Componentry

Tynic Automation has decades of experience manufacturing technical components for the food and beverage industry.

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Manufactured Components In Action

Last month’s Engineering Snapshot showcased our engineering departments technical reverse engineering skills. This month, we had the pleasure of seeing our hard work in action for a very thankful client!

Imaging Phantoms

Tynic Automation recently produced Water Phantoms for the medical industry. Manufactured in a clear acrylic material, Phantoms are used to accurately evaluate imaging devices.

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Conveyor Screws

Tynic Automation offers customizable transport and conveyor screws for the food, beverage and agricultural industries. Engineering Plastic conveyor screws provide a superior, light weight and affordable solution in comparison to traditional engineering materials.