
The Easy Adjust Rail Advantage
Easy Adjust Rails® are a low cost – high value economical solution with a quick ROI and a low Total Cost of Ownership. Conveyor guide rail changeovers are repeatable, fast and easy. Install the Easy Adjust Rails ® on your new or existing conveyor to improve changeover efficiency and create greater line flexibility to infinitely adjust guide rails for current and future product introductions
For Customers, Easy Adjust Rails Are:
- Economical – Low cost high value solution
- Sustainable – No compressed air resources
- Maintenance free – No seals, springs, wires or supply lines subject to wear, damage or leakage
- One-time calibration of system – no springs, seals or pressures to be maintained
- Small foot print and light weight – adapts to tight radius curves, small to large size conveyor configuration, durable to handle boxes or any size container
- Retrofit existing conveyor – engineered to retrofit to any existing or new conveyor systems, interchangeable when line configuration needs to change

Quantitative Benefits:
- Affordable low capital investment, less than one-year ROI (based upon average of 3 changeovers per week at 30 minutes per changeover)
- Accurate adjustment – repeatably adjust straights and curves accurately to plus or minus 1 mm
- Change over times reduced – adjust up to 80 feet of guide rail by 2” in 10 seconds