
The Tynic / Septimatech Advantage
Partnered with Septimatech, Tynic Automation delivers changeover performance solutions for packaging lines and machines worldwide. Our innovative, precision-engineered solutions provide repeatable and accurate changeover for intuitive setup, operating performance, and low maintenance. Our team of experienced problem solvers and experts in changeover and line performance provide world-class sales, service, engineering, and support throughout the lifecycle of our products. We identify your changeover and container handling challenges and turn everyday tasks into operational advantages.
Change Parts / Feed Screws for Packaging Lines

Change Parts
Septimatech design technicians create customized container handling components specific to your container geometry and machine specifications.

Feed Screws & Drives
Septimatech feed screws are superior in design, performance and quality. Customers achieve consistent predictable results with increased throughput efficiency and reduced machine changeover for greater machine performance.

Change Part Storage
Our Change Parts Storage Systems provide our Customers with peace of mind from lost or damaged parts, easy to find and store parts, visual parts maintenance, health and safety repetitive strain and heavy lifting concerns

Cap Handling & Changeover
Among other additional products, Septimatech offers high quality cap control and precise cap application-to-container for greater product throughput and efficient machine performance.
Adjustable Conveyor Guide Rail System Solutions

Guide Rail Adjustment
Achieve smart and easy adjustment of guide rails, improved bottle control and greater line conveying flexibility with Septimatech’s family of adjustable guide rail products. Explore our selection of guide rail adjustment products such as our Unison® products and learn how we can help make your guide rail adjustments become more efficient and repeatable.

Easy Adjust Cap Chute System
Septimatech Easy Adjust Cap Chutes provide fast, simple changeovers and precise 3-axis guide rail adjustment for superior cap control and flow including oblong, asymmetrical, tapered or odd-shaped closures. A single user can precisely adjust 80 feet of cap guide rails from one location in less than 10 seconds. No fine tuning or change parts required. Easy Adjust Cap Chutes deliver accurate, repeatable changeovers and give you greater cap handling control and flexibility for future SKU’s.

Multi-Lane Guide Rail Systems
The new rapid change Multi-Lane Guide Rail Adjustment System allows you to adjust multiple packaging lanes without changing parts, using lane spacers, or heavy lifting equipment. The elimination of change parts, lane spacers and heavy lifting equipment frees up valuable plant space and operator time for other production needs.

Other Line Applications
Improve accuracy and efficiency with our other line products, including Adjustable Reject Lanes, Gravity Chutes, Airveyors, and Dust Covers.