Supergrip UK Cable Protection & Repair

A dynamic, innovative engineering & supply company offering bespoke & standard products to the Oil, Gas & Energy Markets. With an extensive track record, and wealth of design and manufacturing experience, we aim to provide the industry with the most cost-effective equipment, delivered on time & within budget. Our in-house services cover the engineering spectrum with nothing being subcontract.

This capability, coupled with a focus on quality, not only means we that we are commercially competitive but also ensures that we can deliver quality products on even the most demanding of project applications.

Partnered With: MyoBsiQeLNCm8 Tynic Automation

Product Range e3cFo3vumXwiI Tynic Automation

Cable Protection Equipment Tynic Automation

Clamping Systems

Riser Tynic Automation

Flexible Riser Equipment KDwizH4MGd0Mh Tynic Automation

Pipeline Isolation Plugs

repair clamps e1648182553924 Tynic Automation

Pipeline Repair Systems 9IfMy3ebck6kT Tynic Automation

Subsea Sealing Equipment

Bespoke Solutions

Our team of qualified mechanical engineers are vastly experienced in many industry Sectors.

Our engineering capability includes Finite Element Analysis, Structural Calculations, Verification of dynamic subsea applications and pressure vessel systems.


ll project management is formally controlled with each project being allocated a dedicated, qualified and experienced project engineer. This engineer is responsible for all planning activities, progress reporting and is the clients primary point of contact throughout the lifetime of the project.

All products are supplied with a Manufacturers Record Book which provides full traceability of the manufacturing process.

engineering1 Tynic Automation
Tynic Automation