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When It Comes To Crane Safety, We Put Our Sure-Foot Forwards.

Strong & Stable Outrigger Pads For Safe Crane Operation

The capsizing of cranes can cause a significant injury or even fatalities this can be as a result of an unstable surface, inappropriate crane mats or the use of no outrigger pad at all. Tynic’s Sure-Foot Outrigger pads provide safe and stable support for a wide range of lifting equipment.

In Australia, Tynic recommends the utilisation of UV stable black cast nylon outrigger pads due to the increased exposure.

Don’t Compromise On Outrigger Pad Safety

To demonstrate the strength and recovery of Tynic’s Sure-Foot in comparison to standard PE crane mats, two tests were conducted utilising 250mm x 50mm x 25mm for material under 3080N force.

PE500 Pad

Flexed 25mm under 3080N force.

Material remained curved and deformed.

Material lost strength and shape under 3080N of force.

bigfoot to sure foot Tynic Automation

Tynic’s Sure-Foot outrigger pad range.

Flexed 6.5mm under 3080N force.

Material recovered instantly with significantly less deformation.

Required 3.8 times the force (11,802N) to flex 25mm of the PE500 material.

Why Choose Tynic Automation?

    • Manufactured From Premium Cast Nylon.
    • Extremely Corrosion Resistant.
    • Site Proven.
    • Lightweight.
    • Wide Range Of Sizes.
    • Custom Engraving/Branding Available.

Equipment Applications:

Lifting Equipment Tynic Automation