Tynic Automation, partnered with REGINA, are excited to launch REGINA’s new chain assembly tool in the Australian market. This innovative tool is designed to streamline assembly processes and enhance conveyor setup efficiency.

Chain Assembly Tool – Part Number CC000485

The chain assembly tool is designed to connect various REGINA chain series, including 915, 881, 981, 820, 831, 828, 880, 879, 762, 763, and 793M. With its user-friendly design, the tool simplifies assembly, saving time and effort.

tool drawing Tynic Automation

Chain Assembly 

1) Position the Tool and Chain – Place the assembly tool in the conveyor track and position the two ends of the chain on the tool. Ensure the chain’s running direction is correct.

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2) Insert and Secure the Pin  – Insert the pin into the groove and partially hammer it into the hinge. Apply pressure with your hand on the top of the chain to keep it stable. Maintaining pressure on the chain, hammer the pin completely into the hinge using a pin driver.

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Tynic Automation